When love is physically taken from us, and our hearts emotionally break from intense grief, it is at that moment, that the process of shedding what was, has begun.
Since my childhood, attending funerals of close relatives and family friends was something I began to accept as the natural flow that all life must eventually end. Been an exceptionally observant child, I became acutely aware of the changes that would take place in the lives of people who were left to carry on. The agonising scars of loss and pain can change and distort one’s perception of the world. Experiencing intense grief throughout life is almost a given for all of us who love deeply. Here I will share one of my earliest memories of such a heartbreak as a young child. It started with my darling little dog Sooty, when she was hit by a truck. I remember running into traffic on a main highway to try and save her. My heart shattered as I held her in my arms, she lifted her head, looked up into my eyes, then dropped her head taking her last breath. My physical and emotional body went into shock. My mother had to peel both of our bodies off the road that day. I took a week off school and all I wanted to do was to sit by her grave, playing “Morning has Broken” on my recorder and writing heartfelt letters of love and loss that seamlessly poured out of me. The departure of the unconditional love and acceptance she had given me over the years felt at the time to be too unbearable to endure.
There are many stories I could share here, yet I have limited it to one. Through all the pain and sorrow loss has impacted on me. I will say that the acceptance of being with what is, no matter how painful it feels at the time, has enabled me to experience immense growth and healing, in who I became in the process, and continue to become. I am called to share the gifts I have learned and experienced with others; hearts can heal and become more compassionate and wiser in the process.
If you are grieving right now and need support, then I invite you to reach out to me. I offer a 15-minute complimentary meet and greet call via zoom or over the phone for us to establish whether I am the right person for you, and if so, how I can best support you.
o Attending to self-care and self-love
o Allowing pain to move through and beyond your physical body
o Comprehending the grief process and the different stages that can be experienced physically, emotionally and spiritually:
 Denial
 Anger
 Bargaining
 Depression
 Acceptance
o Tailored support plans to meet individual needs and outcomes
o Above all, providing a ‘safe space’ and wholeheartedly listening with compassion and discernment.